2022 Inaugural Class
The inaugural class was inducted on September 12, 2022. The Arkansas Bar Association could not be more proud of the inaugural class and looks forward to honoring the future classes so that we continue to share and preserve the significant contributions those in the legal community have made to enhance the lives of Arkansas citizens. These stories will also inspire others to emulate the good work of those who came before them. The Legal Hall of Fame brings everyone together to celebrate. We congratulate Philip S. Anderson, Sen. David Pryor, Secretary Rodney Slater, Justice Annabelle Tuck, Judge Richard S. Arnold, Scipio Africanus Jones, Gov. Sidney Sanders McMath, and Little Rock Nine.
We thank the Rose Law Firm for its support as the presenting sponsor of the inaugural class. Its sponsorship includes funds for a kiosk that will preserve our story and videos for the future. Gill Ragon Owen also contributed funds for the kiosk as 2022 Education Sponsor.
We also thank Arkansas Business for assisting and sharing their expertise to create a “gold standard event” for our inaugural class and future classes.
2022 Inaugural Class Sponsors
2022 Inaugural Class Induction Videos
2022 Event Photos
Arkansas Business' photos from the event